Pat Boehm
Spiritual Director & Facilitator
Pat Boehm is a commissioned presenter of Centering Prayer through Contemplative Outreach International and currently facilitates one prayer group in Lethbridge. Through Centering Prayer, Pat is passionate about bringing people closer to an intimate relationship with Christ. She is also a trained spiritual director having graduated from the Haden Institute, N.C., U.S.A. Throughout the year Pat facilitates retreats and book studies. Music and Pastoral Care are her other areas of interest. Pat is a retired teacher and is married with three adult children and three grandchildren.
Embracing Spiritual Awakening DVD Series with Diana Butler Bass

Bob Campbell
Adult Educator
Bob Campbell holds a master’s degree in Adult Education and has led workshops and retreats focusing on healthy spiritual growth for many years. He has taken advanced meditation teacher training at the Bhavana Society Monastery in High View, W.VA under the guidance of Bhante Henapola Gunaratana, author of Mindfulness in Plain English. A former post- secondary and healthcare administrator, Bob is a past National President of the Canadian mental health Association and former Board Chair of the Alberta Public Health Association. Since retiring he remains actively involved in community affairs and enjoys spending time with his grandchildren.
Mindfulness meditation
BOOK STUDY: Life After Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart- Brian McLaren
Weekend Loving Kindness Meditation Retreat

Barb Cavers
Independent Consultant
Barbara brings a passion for learning to all that she does. Prior to her retirement in 2002, she was a teacher, principal and consultant with Lethbridge School District No. 51. The excellence she displayed during her lengthy career was recognized when she received the Administrator of the Year Award from the Southwest Alberta Council on School Administration in 1999. In 2000, she was honored to be recognized as a YWCA Woman of Distinction for her work in founding the Parents as Teachers home visitation program which now operates in Lethbridge and communities in southwestern Alberta. Since her retirement, Barb has worked as an independent consultant, serving education and social service institutions as well as other government and non-profit agencies by providing guidance in strategic planning, leadership development, and project management and
evaluation. Her new passion is helping adults 50+ explore the many possibilities for their future - mind, body and soul.
The Heart of Aging with Wisdom and Vitality – Series 1
The Heart of Aging with Wisdom and Vitality – Series 2
Retire to the Life You Love

Sharon Hagel
Sharon Hagel is well known for her ability to help others clarify the many intricacies they meet in knitting. She has enjoyed knitting for the past thirty years. She believes the experience of knitting prayer shawls for those recently experiencing loss, as well as those celebrating life, has blessed her with many hours of peaceful reflection and relaxation.
Programs: Knitting into the Mystery of Healing

Pamela Ukrainetz
Spiritual Director and Facilitator
Pamela, a spiritual director, trained at the Studion School for Spiritual Direction in Edmonton. She has spent years in various areas of church ministry. Her experience shaped a passion to create honest, safe spiritual spaces. First, for ministers – the work of pastoring costs. Pamela creates spaces for the rest and renewal of those in ministry. Second, for those at “the back door of the church” – those whose life experiences or faith moments have left them with more questions than answers about the goodness of God or his work in this world. She doesn’t claim to have answers but firmly believes that when space is made for those questions, authentic relationship with God thrives.
Pamela is married with 3 adult children. She loves to be outside, in all seasons. She loves to write, read, and cook beautiful food for family and friends.

Vickie MacArthur
Spiritual Director and Facilitator
Vickie is a writer, spiritual director, and yoga teacher passionate about integrating embodied awareness, breath, and spirituality into everyday life. Her debut book, A Lotus on Fire: How a Buddhist Monk Ignited My Heart (2023) is a spiritual memoir that reveals how one moment of awakening with Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh ignited her passion for sharing inter-spiritual practices, and creating new kinds of spiritual communities, beyond the confines of religion.
As an inter-faith minister and spiritual director, Vickie accompanies people of all faiths on their spiritual journey, and is connected to a broad network of spiritual directors and faith communities across North America. Since 2001, Vickie has been intentionally building community through her yoga studio, Spirit in Motion Yoga, creating a safe and peaceful space to explore the deep inner work of yoga and meditation. Vickie teaches the “art of slowing down and listening deeply” to ourselves, to each other, to our planet, and to the Great Mystery that holds us all. With an inter-spiritual heart that embraces the oneness of all spiritual traditions, Vickie seeks to build bridges of shared practice and understanding through her writing, teaching, and retreats.
For more info on Vickie’s writing and her new book, go to
For more info on Vickie’s yoga, meditation, and spiritual direction, go to
• Healing Path Meditative Yoga
• Cultivating Equanimity Retreat
• “Deepening Into Silence” Retreat

Kirsten Hironaka
Kirsten Hironaka is a local gardener and horticulturist with a dip. in Horticulture - Landscape Management from Olds College. She is the Principal Landscape Designer for Earthlings inc a landscape company in Lethbridge.
Learn to Garden in Lethbridge

Reno Guimond
Facilitator, musician
Reno Guimond greatly enjoys the process of sharing music.
He values people’s connection to music and explores with them how it informs our life journey.
Our Life In Song

Helen Raczuk
Facilitator, musician
Helen Raczuk: I can’t remember a time when music was not present in my life.
In my family, we often sang around the table after a big family meal. I sang in adult choirs and found some of my life long friends there. I played piano for church and directed school concerts. For me, music can also be very personal and like a prayer. Music also informs me about my story, and gives me a way to express myself. Without music, who would I be?
Our Life In Song

Ellen Wagner
Spiritual Director
Ellen Wagner was raised in Wilkie, Saskatchewan, and grew up Anglican. As a teenager, she felt a strong draw to the Catholic Church and took it upon herself to join. She was married to the late Deacon Raymond Wagner for 54 years. Together, they had 3 children, became the blessed grandparents to 21 grandchildren, and now have 15 great-grandchildren, with more on the way.
In 1976, Ellen and Raymond made their Live-In retreat. It was there that they fell in love with Jesus in a more personal way, which began their journey of becoming more prayerful and faithful in their faith walk. From this retreat, their children also became more involved with Search youth retreats, where they too developed a love for Jesus and a heart for service. Ellen and Raymond were committed servants to the Search youth community for many years and had the joy of watching many of their grandchildren get involved, becoming the adopted grandparents to many youth in their community.
Ellen's interest in Spiritual Direction grew after spending a lot of time with the Martha Sisters. Her first spiritual director, Fr. Keon, along with many of the Martha Sisters, encouraged her to become a spiritual director. She completed the course through the Diocese of Calgary from 1996-1998. Ellen has the gift of listening, compassion, acceptance, and loving all people, always trusting in the Holy Spirit's guidance. She also completed the Bereavement Education Program for Spiritual Directors.
For Ellen, having a spiritual director has deepened her faith walk, enhanced her understanding of her faith and its core beliefs, and empowered her through the Holy Spirit.
• Advent Twilight Retreat
• Lenten Twilight Retreat

Mark Nixon
Spiritual Director and Facilitator
Dr. Mark Nixon, B.ED, D.Min is a retired teacher and High School Chaplain. He continues being a Guest Teacher with Holy Spirit Catholic Schools and a Spiritual Director here at the Centre. He did his training in Spiritual Direction through the Roman Catholic Diocese of Calgary (1996-1998). He is married and has two children and two grandchildren.
• Advent Twilight Retreat
• Lenten Twilight Retreat

Liz Rees
Liz Rees is a certified Deeptime Leader and is trained in Eco Ministry (Seminary of the Wild). She is a presenter of Centering Prayer, commissioned by Contemplative Outreach, and a certified and experienced Life Skills Coach. Liz’s sojourn has included studying and teaching meditation, creating and leading transformational youth programs, and guiding contemplation in the Christian tradition. Liz lives in Calgary, Alberta.
Deeptime Weekend Retreat

Imagine Lethbridge
On picture
Back (L-R): Geri Hecker, Jason Shriner, Heather Oxman; Front (L-R): Diane Randell, Kathy Lewis
The Imagine Lethbridge Book Study Facilitators are skilled leaders in a grassroots movement
dedicated to making Lethbridge Canada’s healthiest city—a place where everyone can live,
thrive, and age well. Grounded in the principles of Doughnut Economics, particularly the "Seven
Ways to Think Like a 21st Century Economist"; they inspire transformative change that balances
social and economic needs within ecological limits.
Their role focuses on building a community centred on social equity, economic resilience, and
environmental sustainability. Through collaboration, they aim to create an inclusive, vibrant,
and resilient city where all residents feel they belong and are connected, valued, and
supported. Guided by Doughnut Economics, they work toward establishing Lethbridge as a
model of sustainable urban development and community well-being.
Book Study: Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think like a 21st Century Economist

Lisa Lambert
Lisa Lambert is a seasoned political organizer and social advocate who grew up in Lethbridge. She has worked with many non-profits, political candidates, and groups to understand how to organize, pressure governments, and effect change. For the past decade she has worked for the Legislative Assembly of Alberta as an MLA assistant and has taught in Political Science, Gender Studies, and Liberal Education at the University of Lethbridge as a sessional instructor. Lisa is the mother of two adult sons, who have helped to expand her advocacy and introduced her to ocean kayaking on their many trips together.
International Woman's Day 2025